Utilities to define security checkers

LAZR provides utility functions to make it easy to define security checkers for content class.


The protect_schema() function will define a checker for a class based on the schema passed in as parameter.

>>> from lazr.restful.security import protect_schema
>>> from zope.interface import Attribute, Interface, implementer
>>> from zope.schema import TextLine
>>> class MySchema(Interface):
...     an_attr = Attribute('An attribute.')
...     a_field = TextLine(title='A property that can be set.')
...     a_read_only_field = TextLine(
...         title='A read only property', readonly=True)
...     def aMethod():
...         "A simple method."
>>> @implementer(MySchema)
... class MyContent:
...     def __init__(self, an_attr, a_field, a_read_only_field):
...         self.an_attr = an_attr
...         self.a_field = a_field
...         self.a_read_only_field = a_read_only_field
...     def aMethod(self):
...         pass
>>> protect_schema(MyContent, MySchema)

By default, the defined checker will grant public access to all attributes defined in the schema.

>>> from lazr.restful.debug import debug_proxy
>>> from zope.security.checker import undefineChecker, ProxyFactory
>>> content = MyContent(1, 'Mutable Field', 'RO Field')

ProxyFactory wraps the content using the defined checker.

>>> print(debug_proxy(ProxyFactory(content)))
zope.security._proxy._Proxy (using zope.security.checker.Checker)
    public: aMethod, a_field, a_read_only_field, an_attr

The permission required can be specified using the read_permission parameter:

>>> undefineChecker(MyContent)
>>> protect_schema(MyContent, MySchema, read_permission='lazr.View')
>>> print(debug_proxy(ProxyFactory(content)))
zope.security._proxy._Proxy (using zope.security.checker.Checker)
    lazr.View: aMethod, a_field, a_read_only_field, an_attr

If you specify a write_permission parameter, set permission will be granted for Attribute and non-readonly fields defined in the schema.

>>> undefineChecker(MyContent)
>>> protect_schema(MyContent, MySchema, write_permission='lazr.Edit')
>>> print(debug_proxy(ProxyFactory(content)))
zope.security._proxy._Proxy (using zope.security.checker.Checker)
    lazr.Edit (set): a_field, an_attr
    public: aMethod, a_field, a_read_only_field, an_attr