URL generation ************** lazr.restful includes some classes that make it easy to generate URLs for your objects. RootResourceAbsoluteURL ======================= It's easy to have an object implement ILocation and define its URL recursively, in terms of its parent's URL. But the recursion has to bottom out somewhere, so you need at least one real implementation of IAbsoluteURL. lazr.simple.RootResourceAbsoluteURL is designed to build a URL for your service root resource out of information you put into your IWebServiceConfiguration implementation. First, RootResourceAbsoluteURL needs to be registered. >>> from zope.component import getSiteManager >>> from lazr.restful.simple import RootResourceAbsoluteURL >>> sm = getSiteManager() >>> sm.registerAdapter(RootResourceAbsoluteURL) Next, you need a configuration object. >>> from zope.interface import implementer >>> from lazr.restful.interfaces import IWebServiceConfiguration >>> @implementer(IWebServiceConfiguration) ... class SimpleWebServiceConfiguration: ... hostname = "hostname" ... service_root_uri_prefix = "root_uri_prefix/" ... active_versions = ['active_version', 'latest_version'] ... last_version_with_mutator_named_operations = None ... port = 1000 ... use_https = True As always, the configuration object needs to be registered as the utility for IWebServiceConfiguration. >>> configuration = SimpleWebServiceConfiguration() >>> sm.registerUtility(configuration) Now we can get a RootResourceAbsoluteURL object, given a root resource and a request. >>> from zope.component import getMultiAdapter >>> from lazr.restful.simple import RootResource, Request >>> from zope.traversing.browser.interfaces import IAbsoluteURL >>> resource = RootResource() >>> request = Request("", {}) >>> request.annotations[request.VERSION_ANNOTATION] = ( ... 'active_version') >>> adapter = getMultiAdapter((resource, request), IAbsoluteURL) Calling the RootResourceAbsoluteURL will give the service root's absolute URL. >>> print(adapter()) https://hostname:1000/root_uri_prefix/active_version/ Converting the adapter to a string will give the same result, but without the trailing slash. >>> print(str(adapter)) https://hostname:1000/root_uri_prefix/active_version (This is useful for the recursive case. When finding the URL to a subordinate resource, Zope's AbsoluteURL implementation calls str() on this object and joins that string to the subordinate object's name with a slash. Putting a slash here would result in subordinate objects having two consecutive slashes in their URLs.) Changing the web service configuration changes the generated URLs. >>> configuration.use_https = False >>> print(getMultiAdapter((resource, request), IAbsoluteURL)()) http://hostname:1000/root_uri_prefix/active_version/ >>> configuration.port = None >>> print(getMultiAdapter((resource, request), IAbsoluteURL)()) http://hostname/root_uri_prefix/active_version/ The URL generated includes a version identifier taken from the value of the 'lazr.restful.version' annotation. >>> request.annotations[request.VERSION_ANNOTATION] = ( ... 'latest_version') >>> adapter = getMultiAdapter((resource, request), IAbsoluteURL) >>> print(adapter()) http://hostname/root_uri_prefix/latest_version/ For purposes of URL generation, the annotation doesn't have to be a real version defined by the web service. Any string will do. >>> request.annotations[request.VERSION_ANNOTATION] = ( ... 'no_such_version') >>> adapter = getMultiAdapter((resource, request), IAbsoluteURL) >>> print(adapter()) http://hostname/root_uri_prefix/no_such_version/ (However, the lazr.restful traversal code will reject an invalid version, and so in a real application lazr.restful.version will not be set. See examples/base/tests/service.txt for that test.) Cleanup. >>> request.annotations[request.VERSION_ANNOTATION] = ( ... 'active_version') MultiplePathPartAbsoluteURL =========================== Zope has an AbsoluteURL class that makes it easy to turn an object tree into a set of treelike URL paths: http://top-level/ http://top-level/child http://top-level/child/grandchild And so on. It assumes that each object provides one part of the URL's path. But what if a single object in the tree provides multiple URL's path parts? http://top-level/child-part1/child-part2/grandchild AbsoluteURL won't work, but lazr.restful's MultiplePathPartAbsoluteURL will. To test this, we'll start with a StubRootResource and its absolute URL generator, StubRootResourceURL. >>> from lazr.restful.testing.webservice import ( ... StubRootResource, StubRootResourceURL) >>> from zope.component import getSiteManager >>> sm = getSiteManager() >>> sm.registerAdapter(StubRootResourceURL) We'll load the basic lazr.restful site configuration. >>> from zope.configuration import xmlconfig >>> def load_config(): ... xmlconfig.string(""" ... ... ... ... ... """) >>> load_config() Here's a child of StubRootResource that implements IMultiplePathPartLocation. >>> from zope.interface import implementer >>> from lazr.restful.simple import IMultiplePathPartLocation >>> @implementer(IMultiplePathPartLocation) ... class ChildResource: ... __parent__ = StubRootResource() ... __path_parts__ = ["child-part1", "child-part2"] The ChildResource's URL includes one URL part from the root resource, followed by two from the ChildResource itself. >>> resource = ChildResource() >>> print(str(getMultiAdapter((resource, request), IAbsoluteURL))) http://exampleurl/child-part1/child-part2 Now let's put an object underneath the child resource that implements ILocation, as most resources will. >>> from zope.location.interfaces import ILocation >>> @implementer(ILocation) ... class GrandchildResource: ... __parent__ = ChildResource() ... __name__ = "grandchild" The GrandchildResource's URL contains the URL part from the root resource, the two from the ChildResource, and one from the GrandchildResource itself. >>> print(str(getMultiAdapter( ... (GrandchildResource(), request), IAbsoluteURL))) http://exampleurl/child-part1/child-part2/grandchild Edge cases and error handling ============================= MultiplePathPartAbsoluteURL escapes the same characters as AbsoluteURL. It even escapes slashes, if a slash shows up inside a path part. >>> resource.__path_parts__ = ["!foo!", "bar/baz"] >>> print(str(getMultiAdapter((resource, request), IAbsoluteURL))) http://exampleurl/%21foo%21/bar%2Fbaz If the __path_parts__ is not iterable, an attempt to get the URL raises an exception: >>> resource.__path_parts__ = "foobar" >>> str(getMultiAdapter((resource, request), IAbsoluteURL)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: Expected an iterable of strings for __path_parts__. >>> resource.__path_parts__ = 0 >>> str(getMultiAdapter((resource, request), IAbsoluteURL)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: Expected an iterable of strings for __path_parts__. If the __parent__ or __path_parts__ is missing or None, an attempt to get the URL raises the same exception as AbsoluteURL does. >>> resource.__path_parts__ = None >>> str(getMultiAdapter((resource, request), IAbsoluteURL)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: There isn't enough context to get URL information... >>> resource.__path_parts__ = ["foo", "bar"] >>> resource.__parent__ = None >>> str(getMultiAdapter((resource, request), IAbsoluteURL)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: There isn't enough context to get URL information...